Local event of the European Commission programme at the headquarters of Harghita County Council
Harghita County Council organized a local event within the EU Green Week programme, entitled Sustainable thinking in local planning, which was held on 31st of May 2018. The workshop opening was held by Mr. István Becze county councillor and was honoured by the presence of Mr. Csaba Sebestyén, Member of the Parliament, Mr. Péter Csillag county councillor and several representatives of the innovation and construction, arhitecture sector.
Last Update: Monday, 18 June 2018
The event was moderated by Mr. László Csák, who expressed his gratitude for the great interest of participants toward the event’s subject: “I hope that the present debate will lead to successful results and ideas, that can be used on local, national and EU level as well in the future”.
The first speaker of the event, Mr. Barna Csíki, architect, presented the recycling method of barn buildings. A good example in this category is the one in Csehétfalva, which serves now as a community house, this being realized from the reconstruction of an old barn. - By reconstructing these buildings we both preserve and create values for our communities. – as he formulated his point of view.
Mr. Attila Lázár, who constructed his own straw bale house, which was inspired by a movie, said that, however, his architect parents were not so open toward his idea at first, supported him in the realization of this construction.
-The idea of such construction from elements extracted from the environment was in fact inspired by the animals, especially the birds. – said Mr. Barna Asztalos architect, and expressed that his attitude towards nature has also resulted in a change of thinking and behavior as well.
The specialist raised the attention, that constructing his own adobe house took much more time in the beginning, but today it is possible in 9-13 working days and their stability and energy efficiency is unquestionable.
Furthermore, Mr. László Csák, expert, held a presentation on energy efficiency and on resurce efficiency, highlighting the fact that, however people might forget this in most of the cases, the energy consumption of the construction materials’ preparation is essential to be taken in consideration during the construction planning.
Mr. Ede Abos, the president of the Passive House Association sait that these houses are considerably more cost efficient and are ten times more efficient from energy consumpition pont of view in comparison to normal houses.
The results of the workshop were concluded by Mr. Csaba Borboly, president of Harghita County Council and member of the Committee of the Regions. He expressed that he is counting on the cooperation of the representatives of this sector regarding the legislation ammendments and guaranteed that he will represent their proposals and professional opinions both on local and european level, because our event reflects the fact that we could raise the attention of the European Commission. - There is no need to construct unused large houses. We need to raise the awareness in youth as well that it is necessary to think in pleasant, sustainalbe homes, which costs won’t drag them in debt for twenty-thirty years. – said Csaba Borboly.
The president, as member of the European Committee of the Regions is the Ambassador in Romania of the Convenant of Mayors, which main objective is to develop cooperation at local level in the realization and implementation of energy efficiency and environment protection priorities of the EU.
The European Committee of the Region accepted in 2015 the Opinion on Resource efficiency opportunities in the building sector, which rapporteur was Mr. Csaba Borboly. The opinion can be accessed here.
Miercurea Ciuc, Harghita County, 1st of June 2018.
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