Protected “Treasures”

For the tourists who are looking for amazing sights and memories of times long past, Harghita county is definitely a place to see. The region offers a variety of landscapes and natural wonders such as fields of wild flowers, the peaks of the Harghita Mountains which are also an inexhaustible haven for wondrous and ancient plant species. It is quite possible that nowhere else in the Carpathians can you find firs more slender, narcissus fields more beautiful and peat bogs more mysterious then here. This amazing environment is the place where the brown bear, the red deer, the wolf and the trout can flourish. Lately authorities have taken the protection of these natural wonders very seriously. In Harghita County there are 35 protected areas and national parks, the most important is the Cheile Bicazului-Hăşmaş park where you also find the springs of Olt and Mureş.

The peculiar Red Lake is a one-of-a-kind natural phenomenon formed in 1837, as the result of a landslide. Remains of tree trunks rising from the lake still stand as testimony to this dramatic episode. The Bicaz Gorge, known as a rock climbers' paradise, is a renowned geological formation of the region. The sight of two other well-known formations, Piatra Altarului (the Altar Rock) and Prispa Iadului (Hell’s Porch), also dazzle the unsuspecting traveler who happens to stumble upon them.

Numerous peat bogs also remind us of the region’s volcanic past, the most representative one being the Lucs peat bog. Results of volcanic activity are also Lake St. Ana and Mohoş peat bog found in the twin craters of Ciomatu, which is a unique geological formation in Europe. The crystal clear water of St. Ana Lake, with a depth of almost 8 meters, spread over an area of 22 km2. The Mohoş peat bog used to be connected with the St. Ana, but today due to geological processes it’s completely transformed into peat. The narcissus meadow of Vlăhiţa is also an important tourist spot of the county.

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